11:05am Fangs & Claws 2
11:22am Mirror
11:26am Chateau Sauvignon: Terroir
11:40am The Dark Hunger
11:55am Claire & Bruno
12:20pm Sticks
12:38pm Hada
12:50pm Steven Berkoff's Tell Tale Heart
2:10pm Doll
2:16pm Breaker
2:27pm Korean Dog Meat Exposé

2:49pm Noiré
3:09pm Wolves
3:21pm Orpheize
3:31pm New York 2150
3:51pm Snake Eating Its Own Tail
3:57pm MetaFilm
5:32pm Toast
5:36pm The Ningyo
6:04pm The Mothman Chronicles
6:24pm Charlotte
6:40pm Hunt for Medusa

6:50pm SAM
7:00pm Gauntlet Run - Origins
7:08pm Feeding Time
7:15pm Ecate
7:29pm Ivy
7:44pm Angel Bullet
8:04pm Slit
8:11pm Others Like You
8:28pm No Wave
8:40pm Cruel Forgiveness
8:54pm Mecha
9:00pm Festival Ends
Screening times are approximate. They may fluctuate slightly by a few minutes here or there depending on short Q&A's with attending filmmakers or brief discussions about the films.
Generation Killer
The Early Light of Dawn

Come Back For Me
The Enochian Wars: Armageddon Unleashed
Dakota Caves - 2 Miles
Cannibal Mother
What the Heart Wants
Inferno: New Orleans
Ted's Score
An Iron Shell of Ritual
Goodbye God, I've Gone to Bodie
War of Faith
What Lurks
The Warning