2024 Screening Schedule

Saturday, June 15th, at the Holiday Inn Express in Apopka, Florida.

1:00pm Opening with Gift Card Giveaway
1:03pm Parrot (24 min)
1:27pm On/Off (18 min)
1:45pm Innermost (15 min)
2:00pm Saint-Sacrifice (15 min)
2:15pm Hangover Food: Vampire Influencer (21 min)
2:36pm Gift Card Giveaway + Chat Break
2:41pm CATHARSIS (18 min)
2:59pm Reprise (23 min)
3:22pm Stairs (5 min)
3:27pm Sincopat (14 min)
3:41pm Kafka's Doll (11 min)
3:52pm Salvar (29 min)
4:21pm Gift Card Giveaway + Chat Break
4:26pm A Capsule for Robin (13 min)
4:39pm La Soglia (5 min)
4:44pm Edward Has A Tree Inside Him (17 min)
5:01pm American Expendables: The Films of North American Pictures (61 min)
6:02pm Gift Card Giveaway + Chat Break
6:07pm Human / Animal (14 min)
6:21pm Les BĂȘtes (12 min)
6:33pm Turn Back South (12 min)
6:45pm SKIN (7 min)
6:52pm The Pencil (10 min)
7:02pm The Night Hunter (10 min)
7:12pm The Strangers' Case (1 hr 43 min)
8:55pm Last Gift Card Giveaway
9:00pm Festival Ends

Screening times are approximate. They may fluctuate slightly by a few minutes here or there depending on short Q&A's with attending filmmakers or brief discussions about the films.

Dream On
Black Dog
Those Things
Morrigan's Tree
MAC 1: The Shed
Eden's Demons
The Freak Carnival
Exit Stage Left
Love Without Time
A Woman Disappeared
Imagine Something Yesterday
The Path on the Lagoon
The Strawberry Feeders
Into Her Darkest Musings
The Deadtime Man
Demonic Trance
Eagle Strike
Happy Hour